Creating Memorable Family Moments With Jesus

The kids were losing motivation. We were 1.8 miles into a 2-mile hike up to a mountain hot spring. After stopping for water, we reminded the kids that God would strengthen us when we felt weak. With scripture and songs, we completed the final ascent to discover the most magical place we had ever explored. We marveled with our children over God’s creation. It was a day for the books, a memorable family moment, and one that we hope will continually remind our kids of the grace and goodness of God.

Summer is coming, and with it, long nights, warmer temps, and extra family time. How can we intentionally grasp these fleeting days and make the most of them? We want to enjoy our summer, strengthen our family bond, and connect with Jesus during these golden days.

When creating your summer bucket list, focus on adventures, service, personal growth, and seeing Jesus in all of it.


Getting outdoors and exploring with family is an easy and natural way to strengthen family bonds.

Beautiful scenery, fun activities, or challenging, shared experiences provide opportunities for encouraging one another and marveling or laughing together while experiencing God’s creation as “…His invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made” (Romans 1:19-20).

Experiences like these create lasting memories for families. Are you looking for ideas for creating adventurous family memories that can grow your family’s connection with Christ?

Consider Camping Out

You can camp in your backyard, at local campgrounds, or a distant lake or mountain can provide adventure.

Your family will sleep in close quarters, have no technological distractions, and have God’s world as your playground. Sing worship songs and hymns around the campfire at night or read scriptures each morning. Remind your family that even Jesus cooked lake fish on open fires on the beach!

Take a Hike

The physical challenge will bond your family and teach you to rely on one another as you explore. Check your local maps for nearby places to hike. Bring plant or animal identification books and take time to notice the flora and fauna around you.

You can also spend time talking about scriptures that relate to your experiences, such as, “You make known to me the path of life.” (Psalm 16:11).

Go for a Drive

Extend the experience by traveling somewhere new. When everyone in the family visits a new place together, it puts them on even footing. You can experience the same excitement, awe, and curiosity together.

Plan a route with national parks and historical sites or visit distant friends and family. Find unique stops along the way. Listen to the Bible or missionary stories on audio while you drive.

Take time to talk about the different people, places, and cultures you see and how God has created so much variety in this big world of His.


Spending some of your free time in summer serving others is an excellent way to remind kids that we have more to live for than our own pleasure.

Read Nehemiah to your kids and tell them about how families worked together to build!

Service teaches children about the sacrifices Jesus made for us and how we can emulate Him. When you practice service together, it can lead to a more servant-hearted spirit in your own home.

Here are some ways you can serve with your kids:

    • Volunteer at Church. Work as greeters, host a family Bible study, fold programs or participate in set up or clean up on Sundays or for church events. Involve the whole family in cooking a meal for a family in need.
    • Serve Your Community. Collect supplies for a homeless shelter, participate in a beach or park clean up or work together at a soup kitchen or animal shelter. Check to see what kid-friendly options are available nearby and sign everyone up.
    • Support your Family and Friends. Offer to babysit for a family. Help with a yard or house project for a family you know. Host neighbors, friends, and family for meals, and teach your kids hospitality during the process.

Personal Growth

The additional free hours of summer are a great opportunity to build new habits as a family. Take this time to introduce new patterns of family worship that will grow each member of the family, move everyone towards Jesus and teach them practically what Hebrews 10:24 means, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together.”

Memorize a Scripture as a Family

Put the chosen scripture on the wall and in each kid’s room, then recite it together at meals. Pick a verse that speaks to your family and relates to an area where you all need encouragement or choose a verse that can serve as a motto for your family.

Make Music Together

Choose hymns, worship music, your instruments, or a streaming service. Music can be an excellent way to connect and grow spiritually. Lyrics that tell deep spiritual truths are a simple way to deepen faith. From simple children’s songs with motions to upbeat songs that inspire a family dance party, create a summer playlist for your family to enjoy at home or on the road.

Start a Bible Study

Learning to study the scriptures is a tool for all ages. Reading passages with your kiddos allows for discipleship, connection, and trust to grow. Children can ask questions in a safe space when their family reads God’s Word together.

Consider reading a book of the Bible together or even doing a family-focused Bible study. Maybe you want your family to work on hospitality, bonding relationships, or living missionary.

Find a study on this topic and pick one night a week (or more) to go through it together.

Pray Together

Create a family prayer list and put it on the fridge, wall, chalkboard or on pieces of paper in a basket. Pray consistently together.

Make it an Adventure

Sit down as a family and make your summer bucket list together, then look it over and consider how you can use the ideas to strengthen your family relationships and your spiritual ones. Vote on your favorite activities and then begin the adventure!

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