8 Morning Routines to Start Your Homeschool Day Strong

Have you ever noticed that the first few moments of your morning can make or break the rest of your homeschool day? Establishing an intentional morning routine provides the consistency kids crave while setting you up for success moving forward.

Breakfast and Chore Time

Some kids (and mamas) don’t function well until they get some food in their bellies. In that case, it might be best to start with breakfast and cruise right into clean up. Have everyone spend 15 minutes tidying up together. Then you can roll into your homeschool with your bodies energized and your space a little less cluttered.

Screen Time

There was a season when my kids got up insanely early and I worked nights. No way was I ever going to get up earlier than they did to start my day with the quiet time my soul craved! During those years my kids usually had their daily allotment of screen time right off the bat. There’s no shame in starting the day with TV if it helps you be a more loving and centered mom.


Many families love to start the day with music. You can make a special playlist that signals it’s time to get up, use a selection from the composer or hymn you’re currently studying, or play worship music as you move through your morning. Mixing it up with a silly song or tune from a favorite movie might be just what you need to put a smile on everyone’s face.


Whether you have a child who struggles to get going in the morning or a kiddo who leaps out of bed full of energy that needs an outlet (if you have more than one child, you probably have both!), exercise is a really great way to start your day. It doesn’t need to be complicated. A short walk around the block, a few minutes to jump on the trampoline, an exercise video, or time to shoot some hoops in the driveway may help everyone settle into their schoolwork with better focus and a more positive attitude.

Bible Study

Scripture is always a great way to start the day. If you want to be sure it doesn’t get bumped from your homeschool schedule, putting it first is an excellent strategy. When your kids are young, reading a story from the Jesus Storybook Bible is a fun way to begin your school day. If they’re a little older, you may get them in the habit of working through a formal Bible reading plan like this one. Or keep it super simple. Read through a book of the Bible one chapter or section per day and discuss. You won’t neglect the Word if you make it your routine to engage with Scripture before starting anything else.

Hardest Subject First

Some kids work best when they tackle their hardest subject first and get it out of the way. If this is your child, make space for them to give focused attention to a difficult area of study, and then the rest of the day is all downhill!

Easiest Subjects First

Conversely, many families like to start with an easy subject first. Knocking out a few simple tasks can serve as a warm-up and build momentum toward a productive rest of the day. Checking items off the list like completing a short grammar exercise or a math speed drill or reviewing memory work gives your child a quick win that gets them on the right track.

Reading Aloud

Letting everyone linger around the breakfast table or snuggle up on the couch with a special morning beverage and a cozy blanket 
while you read to them can be a lovely way to ease into your homeschool day. Whether you’re reading a literature book, a history text, a poem, or a stack of picture books, first thing in the morning is a great time to gather for reading aloud.

If one of these routines seems like a good fit for your family, give it a try for a few weeks (long enough to work out the kinks and see how it affects your family). We hope you’ll find that it helps your days run more smoothly!

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