6 Ways to Instill Faith in Your Children

Every Christian parent hopes that their children will continue to grow their faith in the Lord throughout their lives. Parents desire that their children will remain anchored in Jesus in all of their daily activities. Scripture says it best when it declares, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4, KJV).

While this is a lofty goal, it doesn’t just happen. We know that God ultimately saves our children, but he gives us a part in leading them to Christ. Here are six ways that you can help your children grow and stay rooted in Jesus.

Live It

Your behavior, actions, attitude, and aspirations all speak about what you believe and who you follow. As a parent, you must first look at yourself before you begin to train your children.

While your words may be true, your actions show them how to live out what you tell them. Children love to copy their parents and will often do so subconsciously.

So work on yourself to give them a good example to follow. This looks like consistent time in the Bible, praying in front of them, being kind and patient, serving others, participating in church, worshiping, practicing contentment, and so much more.

A practical step to take is to place scripture around your home in strategic locations where you will see it and be reminded to live your life as a light to your kids.

Speak It

Our actions speak, but our words explain them. Our children must hear God’s truths over and over until they sink into their minds permanently. Use scripture as you discipline and explain why you act the way you do. Tell Bible stories, read devotionals, memorize scripture, answer their questions, and analyze world events and topics together in family discussions.

Make speaking of spiritual things a completely normal part of everyday conversation.

A practical step is to memorize scripture so that it is ready on your tongue. Write out some flashcards and keep them in your pocket or purse so that you can practice as you go.

Sing It

Music is an important part of our culture, and some say it even shapes culture. Children can memorize music easily. I am sure you have songs that you can remember every lyric to when they come on the radio, even after not hearing them for twenty years. Be sure that what remains in their minds are songs that speak of God’s truth.

Look for worship songs, theologically rich hymns, scripture sets to music, and even fun kid songs. Play music when you drive, when you clean up or in the background during the day. Sing songs as a family, sing to them before bed, or even learn songs together and make up the motions.

A practical step is to create a few playlists or purchase some records or songbooks to have ready at all times.

Pray It

Prayer is an often overlooked and difficult part of people’s faith. If we can teach our children to pray at an early age, they will have a continual connection to the Lord throughout their lives.

Pray with them at regular times during the day. Teach them to pray in the moment, such as when an ambulance drives by, when they are injured, or when fear arises. Read them liturgical prayers. Teach them to use the ACTS method of prayer.

You could even keep a family prayer journal and look back at it together to see how God answered the prayers.

A practical step is to schedule prayer times into your day and memorize a few simple prayers with your children.

Seek It

Statistics show that many young people do not continue attending church once they move out on their own. Be sure that your children understand the importance of community fellowship.

Take them to church regularly and involve them. If they are invested in church, it will become part of their lives, and it will be hard for them to abandon it.

Have them sit in the main service some of the time rather than only attending summer school. Get involved in a ministry and serve. Host a small group at your home or join an existing one.

A practical step is to find a ministry your entire family can do together at church.

See It

If you want your children to continue to make God a part of their everyday lives, you need to show them that He is always a part of them.

Point out God in nature and daily tasks. Folding socks can remind us of God’s service. Hiking can remind us of his strength when we are weak. Animals remind us of his care for us. Plants remind us that He is a creator.

All of creation speaks of God’s character, and every moment of our lives can be made holy if we do it for the glory of God. Exhibit these things, day by day and moment by moment, with your children. Show them that God is in everything, and they will seek Him in it all.

A practical step is to get outside for “faith walks,” where you can talk about God and His creation.

We all want the truth of Isaiah 55:11 (ESV) to be a reality for our children, “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

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