Prayers to Enhance Unity in Your Marriage

It can be difficult to foster a connection with your spouse. Jobs and responsibilities continually pull you in different directions, so how can you pursue unity in your marriage?

After my first daughter was born, I stayed home with her while my husband left for work. I often felt lonely, so one day, on a whim, I pulled a leather journal off my husband’s nightstand and wrote out a prayer for him.

Praying for my husband took the focus off myself and made me feel closer to him.

One purpose of prayer is to unite us to Christ, but if applied to our marriages, it can also increase our unity with our spouse. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV), and this means that scripture can give us wisdom and guidance for our marriages.

The power of praying scripture over our marriages is something all couples should tap into.

Here are six prayers couples can use to anchor their hearts in wisdom as they allow scripture to lead them in strengthening their relationship.

Prayer of Gratitude

Thanking God for your many blessings, either as a couple or separately, can enhance your outlook on life. Gratitude always puts a positive spin on circumstances. Start by thanking God for your spouse, then thank Him for specific aspects of your spouse, and move towards thanking God for certain aspects of your marriage.

Lord, thank You for the gift of marriage (list at least one specific blessing). Thank You for my spouse and the ways that You have designed them and gifted them (list one specific attribute). Thank You for the way that we ____________ so well.

Prayer of Submission

Express your willingness to live according to God’s plan and commands for your life in general and in your marriage roles. When we are willing to live according to God’s plan, our days are smoother, which isn’t there when we fight against His design.


By praying for a spirit of submission with your spouse, you will be creating a posture of humility in your marriage, as 1 Peter 4:6 (NIV) commands. And that opens doors for communication and communion.

God, I acknowledge that You are Lord over all, including my marriage. I give my marriage to You. I am willing to lay down my preferences and allow Your will to be done in my marriage. Show me how I should treat my spouse.

Prayer of Unity

Since God is the Creator of marriage, He cares deeply about it. He invented the concept of two becoming one and will help you in this process. Make it a point to pray for the unity of your marriage.

Philippians 2:2 (NIV) says, “Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

Father, I know that You desire unity in marriage. I pray You would join my heart, mind and soul first to You and then to my spouse. Create a peaceful and connected relationship between us.

Prayer of Love

God’s Word has a lot to say about love. Pray 1 Corinthians 13 over your marriage. If you pray together, take turns listing the attributes of love as you pray.

Lord, You are the essence of love and the Creator of love. You can teach me to love. You loved us while we were still sinners. Help me to love my spouse despite their flaws and failings. Give me your type of love for my spouse.

Prayer of Purpose

Throughout the Bible, families are used for many different purposes, from building walls, bearing children who will make an impact, training future disciples, and even hosting church meetings.

God has a purpose for couples. Pray for God’s purposes so that your marriage can be revealed and reached. Praying for this is a reminder that you and your spouse are a team who can impact the kingdom together.

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) tells us, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”


God, You don’t do anything accidentally. You had a plan for my marriage before I did. Show me what purpose You have for my spouse and me, and help us to work together to accomplish Your kingdom’s purposes.

Prayer of Hope

No marriage is perfect, and trials will come and go, but God is a God of redemption. That means there is always hope. Pray for your future with hope. Express your trust in the Lord and your belief that your connection in marriage will improve.

This positive outlook is bound to strengthen your connection.

According to Hebrews 6:19-20 (NIV), “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.”

Jesus, even when I doubt and worry, I believe that You are working all things for good. My hope is in You. Please bless my marriage, grow my marriage, and redeem my marriage. I will look forward to the fruit that a marriage rooted in You can produce.

Prayer Changes Everything

The benefits of these prayers are exponential. They help you develop a tighter bond with your spouse and a stronger connection with the Lord.

Beyond that, they also impact your life through the power of the prayers themselves. Write down prayers on note cards, choose a specific time for prayer, or meditate on these prayers throughout your days.

As you intentionally posture your heart toward the Lord and toward your spouse, I know you will see growth day by day.

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