How to Dream Together With God’s Help

The marital relationship is the closest bond between human beings. It is the most intimate form of connection, with the greatest potential for unity and oneness. The bond between a husband and wife permeates every aspect of life—physical, emotional, and spiritual. No other relationship impacts a person more deeply than marriage.

As Christians, it’s essential to recognize that your marriage is divinely orchestrated. God’s purpose in bringing you together to build a home takes precedence over all else.

Growing Together in Christ

The first step in dreaming together with God’s help is understanding why He has brought you both together, with your unique similarities and differences. Seek to identify His will for you as a couple. Often, God unites opposites to create a unique blend, fostering growth and adventure in marriage. This dynamic will help you both grow in Christ and assess where one might need help and how the other can offer support.

For example, the husband may excel in reading the Bible daily, while the wife may have a strong prayer life. Together, you can help each other improve in these areas, growing spiritually and overcoming shortcomings.

Let your love and acceptance of each other create an environment of openness and honesty. Transparency will allow you to address and overcome weaknesses while also nurturing strengths. By growing together in Christ and sharing your gifts, you will complement one another rather than compete.

Genesis 2:24 not only speaks of being physically one flesh but also emphasizes being open, vulnerable, and trusting. This openness fosters a deeper intimacy and connection in your marriage.

Ecclesiastes 4:11-12 highlights the strength of unity: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.” This is the beauty and power of the marriage relationship.

Nurturing Each Other’s Dreams

A vital part of dreaming together with God’s help is knowing and supporting each other’s calling, strengths, abilities, and gifts. Encouraging and nurturing these gifts is essential for mutual growth. For example, my husband was the first to recognize my ability to write. His encouragement allowed me to blossom as a writer.

Understanding your spouse’s weaknesses also allows you to step in and offer support. For instance, if one partner struggles with managing finances, the other can take over or help create a system for improvement. Just as you would assist with a physical challenge, offering support in other areas builds a strong foundation for growth.

As Paul Tournier said: “This is what marriage means: helping one another to reach the full status of being persons, responsible beings who do not run away from life.” This is the depth of marriage as God intended it.

Setting Family Goals Together

A key aspect of dreaming together is setting family goals. Sit down as a couple and discuss your dreams for your future together. Where do you want to live? How many children do you want? What kind of life do you envision for them? Who will work, and who will care for the children? How will you care for aging parents?

These discussions help you prioritize your dreams and plan according to your circumstances. Agreeing on family goals helps preserve marital harmony, allowing you to work together as a team rather than as individuals. When you’re united in your goals, you’re more sensitive to the sacrifices required to achieve them.

Prevent external influences, such as family and friends, from interfering with your decisions. Remaining united in your marriage will guard against discord. Never sacrifice your marriage for the sake of other relationships—your oneness as a couple must always come first.

Impacting Your Community Together

Sharing the gospel is a calling for every Christian. As a couple, discuss how you can serve your church and community together. Participating in your local church will strengthen your marriage and help you navigate life’s challenges. Seek the counsel of older, experienced couples to support you through the different seasons of marriage.

Additionally, consider how you can make Christ known in the world. Begin praying and planning for how you will answer God’s call—whether in local or international missions. Serve together as a couple, making your marriage a reflection of the gospel. Create a home where love, hospitality, and faith are central, and raise your children to carry on the mission of spreading God’s love.

Of the millions of people on Earth, you have the privilege of sharing your life with your spouse. Your marriage is a unique gift from God, meant to sharpen you both.

As Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” No other person will know you as deeply as your spouse, and no one else is better positioned to help you grow. Instead of allowing familiarity to breed contempt, use it to grow and support each other as you pursue your dreams with God’s help.

Make it your ultimate goal to stay together, growing in intimate closeness with your spouse. Constantly reaffirm your commitment to one another and to remaining together for life. As Theodore Roosevelt said, “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” This balance will help you dream big while staying grounded in your relationship.

Some dreams and prayers will be answered quickly, while others may take time. Keep a notebook where you record your prayers, dreams, and the answers you receive. Reflect on it often and give thanks for the ways God has helped you grow and pursue your dreams together.

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