Steady – God’s Word For You in Uncertain Times

Have you ever tried to change a diaper on a wiggling toddler? Distracted by everything that moves, it’s an almost impossible feat. In exasperation, you coax the child, “Hold steady. Be still for one minute!” Sometimes, I wonder if God feels that way with us.

He’s trying to do something good in our lives, but we’re distracted or worried by everything that moves around us. In these days where everything seems to be shifting around us – at school, at work, at home, can you hear God’s voice calling out to you? “Steady. Hold steady.”

Hold Steady

“I will steady him with my hand…” Psalm 89:21 NLT

It’s easy to feel tossed to and fro by the various agendas counteracting and contradicting Christianity in our society. It seems at every turn, with every news report or social media feed, Christian values are under fire. Parental rights are held in question, genders are fluid, and the landscape of our country is in a huge upheaval.


When your mind is swirling, God wants to make you steadfast and immovable in the face of the foe. He is not unaware of the upheaval in our society or in your home as you wrestle with counter-Christian agendas that draw near your door.

God desires to equip you and me. He wants to help us become mature in Him so we won’t be tossed around and unsettled by what we see in the news. In Ephesians 4, we read that He’s given us pastors and teachers, the five-fold ministry, to help us grow strong in Him, with this goal in mind:

“Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 4:14 NIV

Peter and the Waves

“‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’” Matthew 14:28

Remember the story of Jesus walking on the water? Peter did a bold, brave thing. At the word of the Lord, he climbed out of the boat and walked towards Jesus. It was an amazing moment until Peter noticed the wind swirling around him. His faith faltered, and he sank, crying out in fear, “Lord, save me!”

What is God calling you to? What good thing does He want to do in and through you? Perhaps He’s prompting you to volunteer at a homeless shelter, become a foster parent, or share the gospel with your co-worker.

Don’t Be Afraid!

Don’t let the waves scare you back into the boat. Don’t let the enemy talk you out of following through on the good things God has placed on your heart.

When you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of doubt and unbelief, imagine yourself steadfast in a world of wind and waves. Imagine yourself moving forward, walking on the water of what God is calling you to, your eyes fixed on Jesus, your heart set on the Lord and His promises.

Picture yourself declaring with the psalmist: “My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music.” Psalm 57:7 NIV

How Is This Possible in An Uncertain World?

“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” Psalm 112:7

How is it possible to be steadfast in an uncertain world? It begins with a deep trust in God’s Word and His character. God’s people have no fear of bad news. We can stand firm in the midst of a storm.

The wind will blow, and the waves may threaten to overwhelm us. But God wants to do good things in your life if you’ll simply hold steady.

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith…” 1 Peter 5:8-9

Our society is in trouble. Your family may be in trouble and dealing with the effects of this age’s dark agendas. Don’t let this upset you. Instead, let it firm up your convictions about who God is and what His Word says.

You can stand firm in the faith. You can resist the encroaching darkness. You can be steadfast in God and a light to the people around you in an uncertain world.

Hold steady.

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 1 Peter 5:10

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