Spark Your Spiritual Journey


“If the Spirit doesn’t move me, I move the spirit.”

I love this quote from Smith Wigglesworth, the 20th-century plumber-turned-preacher. Through his ministry, blind eyes saw, limbs grew, cancer disappeared – and yet this giant of the faith had moments when he had to stir his spirit and regain his sensitivity to God. He took the apostle Paul’s words to heart, to “fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” (2 Timothy 1:6 NLT)

Through prayer, scripture reading, and action, Wigglesworth found a way to spark his faith.

We all need a jumpstart to our faith at times. Maybe your spiritual sword has become dull or you’ve grown weary in the fight. Maybe your faith has been challenged or you’ve realized you need spiritual or emotional healing. Or perhaps you’ve just grown a little too comfortable and need a little “push” to regain the courage to share your light with the world.

The iDisciple Growth Plans can help spark your spiritual journey. If you’ve enjoyed my articles on Family Christian, you’ll love the deeper dive that my growth plans offer on iDisciple. Which one of these will help you fan your faith? 

Love Your Enemy – Godliness in a Tainted World

God has called us to love. But what do you do when you’ve been slandered or spitefully used or even cursed? This 4-day devotional will help you access divine power to turn an enemy attack into an opportunity for God’s love and mercy. Start this growth plan here.  

Face Your Impossible – Breakthrough to Victory

Are you facing a seemingly impossible situation? Faith can open the way! Following the story of Moses at the Red Sea, this 4-day growth plan will help you stir your faith and see your way through to victory. Start this growth plan here. 

Brand new!

Safe – Recenter Your Life During Uncertain Times

The ripple effect of the pandemic has left many of us wary and wondering what the future looks like. The world isn’t safe, but for those who believe, there is a place of protection in God. This 3-day plan will help you recenter on the One who holds the stars – and your life in his hands. Start this growth plan here.

Whatever you do, don’t settle! Jumpstart your faith and join me on iDisciple here.

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