How to Trust God in Uncertain Political Times

“I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“I’ve never felt more scared for the US than right now.”

“I don’t know what I will do if so-and-so gets elected.”

I’m so worried about this election that it’s keeping me up at night.”

Over the past couple of months, I’ve heard friend after friend, read post after post, and listened to news story after news story repeating these sentiments (or some variation of them). And honestly, I’ve wrestled with these myself, especially when my kids ask questions about what’s happening right now and what will happen in the future.

We live in unprecedented times, no doubt. But we don’t need political pundits to keep pointing that out to us. We see it. We hear it. We know it. And we feel shaken by it.

But God isn’t shaken. He sees us. He hears us. He knows us. And He invites us to look to Him, trust Him, and choose to follow Him fully. If you feel rattled by the current political atmosphere, use these 5 ways to turn to God and set your feet on solid ground.

Acknowledge God’s sovereignty.

It’s easy enough to read in Scripture or sing out during a worship song, “He reigns.” However, it’s another thing entirely to choose to take the ill-fitting crown off our heads and kneel and submit to His authority daily in all areas of our lives.

However, do you know what happens when you participate in a daily spiritual coronation of the King? When you look to Him and trust that He sits on the throne over all creation, all situations, and everything in your life and the world?

You realize you can take up his yoke and rest. You receive His peace. You stop fighting to be in control of things and situations that are out of your control and trust His authority instead. You release your worry about the future and instead look to the One who is already in control of it.

The Lord won’t ever abdicate His throne.

The Lord doesn’t need a daily reminder of Who He is, but it sure helps us to keep our lives and circumstances and the cycles of worldly (and political) conflict and suffering in perspective. We can rest secure when we trust His sovereignty daily.

“I keep my eyes always on the LORD.

With him at my right hand,

I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;

my body also will rest secure.” (Psalm 16:8,9 NIV)

Repeat the Scripture out loud. Commit to the words you are saying. Write them down and repeat them every morning. Ask Him to help you let go and trust Him in all things.

Bring all your worries and concerns to Him through prayer.

We live in a time of more fear and division than peace and unity. You don’t need me to list all the ways this is true right now, but it’s not new. We’ve been a mess since sin entered God’s perfect creation. While we know how the story ends (thank You, Jesus!), we are being called to endure this moment in history. But how do you find peace and rest when the world’s brokenness feels more personal right now, and you fear for the future?

You can walk through the unknown by focusing on the known. You can look to God for His peace and rest. He will always deliver you when you seek Him with your whole heart. When you choose to seek Him, you are changed, even if your circumstances remain the same.

Psalm 34:4,5 NIV puts it this way: “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant.”

Pray and thank God for His rescue plan in Jesus. Praise Him for His accessibility and the rest and peace found when you look to Him. Ask for His help to keep your eyes focused on Him. Share your fears, concerns, and hopes. These scripture-based prayers your heart needs during the election can help.

Increase your time in the Bible.

You know this one already. It’s why so many of us make the New Year’s Resolution to read through the Bible in a year. Then we hit Leviticus and, well, you know how it goes. But, in these uncertain political times, studying the Bible helps us discern His truth from the enemy’s lies. We are all one bite away from being like Adam and Eve.

When reading the Bible, start small. Commit to spending 1 percent of your day reading scripture—that’s about 14 minutes. Many people find reading through the Gospels, Psalms, or James is a good place to start. Or try one of the reading plans on our sister site, iDisciple.

Before reading, ask God to open your eyes to what He wants to reveal to you. If one verse stands out, write it down, make it your lock screen, and memorize it. Then, in your moments of worry, meditate on the verses He pointed specifically out to you!

Decrease your time on social media (or watching the news).

The average adult American spends 2 hours and seven minutes daily on social media. Whether you’re seeking political posts or not, you’ll see them on social media. Sometimes, it’s a comment from a family member, a post from a friend, or a video fed to you by the algorithm. Constant exposure to political turmoil stirs up stress and worry and shifts your perspective to a worldly one. God wants your eyes and thoughts on Him.

Give your mind a break from the constant reminder of division and instead put into practice Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”

Connect with a friend face-to-face over coffee. Go for a walk, exchange smiles with your neighbors, or put your earbuds in and listen to worship music. Make it a practice to write down two ways you experienced God’s goodness that day (and two ways YOU glorified Him in your actions or conversations).

Promote peace and unity.

The enemy wants to divide us. That’s his not-so-secret plan. And you will meet other Christians who don’t support the same candidate as you or who think differently about major and minor issues. But we aren’t at war with each other. That’s a lie. There isn’t an “us” versus “them.” We are all God’s children. Paul urges Christians in Ephesians 4:2,3 to “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can promote unity. Some practical ways are to listen with the intent to understand, express empathy, and embody the Fruit of the Spirit when you do speak (or post or comment). Approach disagreements with grace and kindness, reflecting Jesus’ love. Remember, our ultimate allegiance is to God, not a political party. Make choices to glorify Him. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave us the perfect example to follow.

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