Come Away My Love

Ponder with me what it feels like to have God — the maker of heaven and earth, the creator of the person you see in the mirror — pursue you. He is an extravagant LOVER.   He is pursing you, YOU in the middle of life’s madness. Weary YOU, exhausted YOU. You, who are longing for someone to notice. Longing to be truly known and radically loved for just being you. The great news is you have that kind of lover.  His name is God. 

I have been working with a middle-aged man.  He has been “labeled” mentally disabled.  I have been so very blessed to help him find his true identity as God’s beloved Son. Every time I meet with this very large man with a heart as big as a mountain He weeps unashamed in my office. He tells me “for the first time in my life I feel I have dignity, I feel so loved just for being me.” My new label from God is ….Love…I am blown away. This man was part of the Church of Satan for years. But no longer, He is now part of the Family of God. 

He has waited and been searching for the love of God his entire life. I got the great opportunity to lead Him to Christ. He is ALL IN, radically surrendered to God. I gave up asking the question: “Am I of any use to you God? And started asking how can I represent you My Lord? May I be an offering to you?” This is when he began to work through me…and blew the roof off my life in love. 

So today on my knees I bring my open heart to God. His love never wavers and builds momentum daily, actually every minute of every day. When others have “thrown me under the bus and walked away,” God stayed. 

God has fulfilled me all of my hopes, dreams and desires. He has called me to persevere….as I do He captivates me with his mysterious beauty in the ordinary. I bring my open heart to him as I allow myself to be drawn to him in the ordinary, which becomes moments of extraordinary love for this ordinary woman. 

“She has done a good work for me” (Mark 14:6).

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