7 Bold Prayers to Renew and Revive Your Spirit

Prayer is the life breath of the Christian faith, walk and existence. It is communication with God, not to force Him to do something but to give us a glimpse of heaven and a grasp of His will.

There are times when we’re flowing in the anointing. We might feel spiritual well-being, be upheld by God’s grace, and be buoyed by God’s presence. It’s a time and season when we can hear Him easily!

There are other times when the Christian life and living seems hard, and emoting Christ is taxing. Normal habits and the chores of discipleship, such as Bible reading, seeking God, attending church gatherings and serving in ministry, all seem a burden instead of a delight. That is when we need prayer more than ever.

Here are seven bold prayers you can use to renew and revive your spirit.

Prayers to Renew and Revive

The remedy for tiredness, whether in body, soul or spirit, is to ask God for help and grace. God has given us carte blanche to approach Him and find rest when we feel burdened. The question is how to petition Him and what to ask for.

Let’s seek answers from the Word of God, which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

Pray the Prayer of Paul

One option is to pray the prayer of Paul for the eyes of our understanding to be opened.

In Ephesians 1:17-27 (NIV), he prays that the Ephesians would have their hearts overwhelmed by an understanding of the magnificence of His plans.

Paul says that he prays for them to grasp the greatness of God’s power at work for, not against, them. His petition is for the Ephesians to comprehend the extravagance of God’s purposes for them and God’s work in them.

Pray this same prayer for a glimpse of Christ and that His power and majesty would enable us to be lost in Him and not lost in our smallness.


Such intelligence would raise us so we can be seated with Him in the heavens and see the reality of His grace in our lives!

Pray the Prayer of Habakkuk

The prophet Habakkuk was overwhelmed and distressed by the conditions around him. He saw anarchy and violence ruling and law and order in pieces. The wicked were flourishing, and the righteous were struggling.

Habakkuk asks God why He is tolerating such things and why He is using an enemy nation to subdue His people. God shows him a glimpse of His plan—how He is using the Babylonians as a tool of correction. And when the work is done, they will be judged.

Go to God when your heart is depressed by what you see around you and receive His guidance and comfort. Then, as Habakkuk declares in chapter 3 of his book, be in awe of His deeds and resolve to rejoice in Him, no matter the circumstance.

Pray the Prayer of Moses

In Psalms 90:12 (NIV), Moses complains to God about the shortness of life and that it is a time full of woes and misery. He is swamped by guilt, drowning in sorrow over sins and afraid of God’s wrath.

Moses asks God to teach them to count the days of their short lives so they would live wisely.

As you identify with this prayer of Moses, ask God to restore joy and happiness. When you do so, you’ll remember that the mercies of God are new every morning.

Pray the Prayer of Jabez

In I Chronicles 4:9-10, there is a short account of a man called Jabez and his prayer to God. His mother named him so because she birthed him in pain. Jabez didn’t allow this stigma to limit him. He petitioned God to change his destiny with a blessing.

Jabez’s prayer set him free from the branding of pain and limitation. His reputation changed from being rejected to being more respectable than his brothers.

Let his example motivate you to pray and overcome the limitations and restrictions that others intentionally or unintentionally place on you.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer

The disciples of Christ, impressed by His prayer life and the way He spent time with His Father, asked Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1, NIV).


His wisdom against the opposition, compassion for the needy, gentleness towards the lowly, and rebuke of the arrogant were noted as outcomes of his prayer life.

The Lord’s Prayer provides a pattern for prayer when we are unable to pray or articulate our needs. Its seven petitions—three addressing God and four addressing our needs and concerns—give us an easy blueprint for prayer.

Pray in the Spirit and Pray With Understanding

Jude urges us to contend for the faith entrusted to us by keeping ourselves in God’s love as we wait for His return.

He advises us to build ourselves up in the holy faith and to pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20-21, NIV).

The Apostle Paul prayed with words given by the spirit and with understanding (I Cor 14:15, NIV). Romans 8:26-27 (NIV) assures us that when we don’t know what we ought to pray for, the spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Since the Spirit intercedes for us according to God’s will, He enables us to articulate our longings unhampered by thoughts and emotions. Let Holy Spirit prayers strengthen you with might and assist in your weak moments.

Pray For Christ to Dwell in Your Heart

In his second prayer for the Ephesian church (Eph. 3:14-19, NIV), Apostle Paul prays for them to be strengthened through the spirit to comprehend the riches of Christ’s love.

He prays for Christ to dwell in their hearts by faith so that, being rooted and grounded in love, they will be able to fathom the depth of Christ’s love.

As we pray for others and give to them in prayer, God will fill us with His fullness and goodness.

Prayer is a Gift

Pray is a privilege and a responsibility, a gift and a duty to be exercised and practiced always.

As I Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV) says, heaven’s gates are open, God’s presence is accessible, and His mercy and grace are available as we kneel before Him.

Scripture assures us that when we pray according to His will, it will be granted unto us. What better way to pray than to use the prayers embodied in His Word as we seek Him to revive and restore us?

May we use the sword and word of scripture to our benefit!


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