3 Ways the Lord Will Help You Pursue the Desires of Your Heart

The Lord wants to give you the desires of your heart but what if you feel stuck? It’s easy to doubt Him when you are not seeing the results you want. I promise you that He can and will help you accomplish the desires and dreams He has placed in your heart.

As a competitive athlete in both high school and college, and a regular pageant contestant, I’ve learned three techniques that have helped me pursue my dreams while faithfully following the Lord. When you take these steps you’ll have confidence in the Lord and His calling on your life. 

Do Your Best…As Unto the Lord

Hard work and dedication are key to being successful in whatever you do. Scripture tells us to work as if you are doing it for Jesus. This will help you overcome the challenges you face pursuing your purpose. You can even do this for everyday tasks like work, chores, or exercise. We become excellent by challenging ourselves to do a little better each and every day, no matter the job at hand.

When you are facing a big event, like a wedding, a job interview, or a competition, you can prepare mentally by using visualization. Sit down with your eyes closed and think about what you are going to experience and your feelings about the event. See yourself doing everything perfectly, from beginning to end. This helps set your intention to do your best. 

All Things Are Perfected In His Time

Psalm 21 says that God wants to give you your heart’s desires and not even “withhold the request of your lips.” If we work hard and trust in Him, the dreams that God puts in our hearts will come to fruition at just the right time. Sometimes we don’t yet know our heart’s desire because we’re not ready yet but God sees your life from beginning to the end. We can trust that He will lead us there when we are ready and not a moment sooner! This is how our Father protects as we move forward in life.

When I don’t win first place in a competition, I know that this, too, is God’s will for me. I don’t let that impact my dedication to doing my best. Instead, I stay faithful and try again, if the Lord is calling me to keep competing.

Don’t Limit God

While pursuing our dreams, we may not realize that we could be limiting God. Ephesians says that the Lord “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.” If He can do more than we can even think, we may be limiting His glory by setting goals that are less than what He can accomplish.

Instead of setting goals, give God free reign to achieve more than you could ever expect! This helps us to give Him the glory he so rightly deserves.

Let the Lord work through you to by doing your very best, waiting on His timing, and allowing Him to fulfill His purposes beyond your wildest dreams! 

Listen to our podcast below to hear more about how we put God at the heart of our goal setting. And then join us at Natural Living Family Podcast for more Christian podcast episodes to bless you and your family!

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