3 Benefits of God’s Unexpected Oasis in Life’s Wilderness

If given the choice between a mountaintop and a valley experience, I think we’d be quick to pick the mountaintop! However, it’s often in the dark and painful valleys of life that we meet with God in the most powerful ways and experience spiritual growth as we rely on his strength. How does God show up like an oasis in the wilderness of life? I’ve found three different benefits we can find in God’s Oasis: comfort, understanding, and hope.

“O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (Psalm 63:1, ESV)

Walking in the Wilderness

For the past several months, my husband has struggled with health issues that have deeply affected many areas of our lives. We’ve seen several doctors and specialists and tried various treatment options, only to hit dead end after dead end.

We’ve both been discouraged and weary at times. We’ve been angry, and we’ve cried tears of helplessness and frustration. We’ve begged for answers and pleaded repeatedly for healing.

Yet, the wilderness grows thicker. We still don’t have clear answers or relief. There’s so much we’re uncertain of, but one thing we’re sure of: God is faithful.

Hard times often bring us to our knees. When our posture changes, we can see and feel things that we couldn’t before. We can feel the moisture in the ground beneath us and know that water’s near.

An Oasis of Comfort

In our times of helplessness, we realize how much we need God. We notice how often the world disappoints us and how changes in external circumstances leave us feeling uncertain and insecure.

These things leave us searching for something strong and steadfast to hold onto. And there He is, waiting for you, right where He’s always been. He’s right by your side, and He cares about you more deeply than you could ever comprehend.

God meets us in our times of trouble with open arms, holding us and carrying our burdens. None of our messy human emotions are too much for Him.

He understands and relates to our sorrows. Cry out to Him. Cling to Him for strength because He is a fortress that cannot be moved.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, ESV).

An Oasis of Understanding

Not only does God understand our circumstances, but He often puts others in our path who understand as well. There’s something about having a “village” or community of people to turn to in difficult times.

While it doesn’t take your pain away, it reminds you that you’re not alone.

God put the right people in our path for this chapter of our lives. Over the last year, we’ve built friendships in a Christ-centered community. This has given us a space to be vulnerable, share struggles and pray for and encourage one another.

Within this community, some people have experienced similar trials and can offer empathy, advice and support.

Some people have experienced different and incredibly painful sufferings of their own, and they inspire us and remind us of God’s goodness as they continue to seek and praise Him.

In addition to our relationships with other couples, God has grown our marital relationship as well. We can’t make it through challenging times without open communication in our marriage. Otherwise, we both separately and secretly fall apart, which doesn’t do anyone any good.

We’ve learned that it’s okay to share our struggles, break down and admit our fears and shortcomings. As we’ve wandered this wilderness, we’ve built an open and vulnerable line of communication, walking hand in hand, and pursuing God together.

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2, ESV).

An Oasis of Hope

No matter how hard things get in this life, no matter how much pain, suffering, and loss we experience, we can hold onto the hope of heaven. God promises us that someday we will be with Him forever in a place where all is made right.

Can you imagine what that looks like: a place with no sadness, fear or stress, just pure peace and joy? It’s beyond anything our earthly bodies know, or human minds could comprehend.

In this life on earth, we go through some incredibly real and heartbreaking times, and the truth is, we may not always see them get better on this side of heaven. Sometimes, the only water that we have waits for us on the other side.

The good news is that our hope is eternal and cannot be squashed by anything in this world.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13, ESV).

His Faithfulness Throughout the Wilderness

In the thick of the wilderness, when you can’t see a glimpse of hope on the horizon, it can be helpful to look back at past circumstances and see how God provided a way through them.

We’ve seen God’s faithfulness again and again in our lives.

When our house caught fire, and we weren’t sure where we were going to live, multiple friends and family members provided places for us to lay our heads until we found a new place.

When our daughter got COVID-19 at only 6 weeks old, and we spent all night in the ER, we were thankful for our family who rushed over in the middle of the night to stay with our older two. During the following weeks of isolation, we were forced to slow down and were able to spend quality time together as a family.

By leaving a church family we knew and loved, one we had been a part of for almost a decade, it opened the door for us to find the authentic, caring, and supportive community we’re now a part of.

The wilderness doesn’t feel good when you’re walking through it. It’s scary, painful, and overwhelming. You might see the water right in front of you or perhaps a long way in the distance. Maybe you don’t see it at all. Sometimes, you notice the water once you’ve already made your way through the wilderness, wondering how you survived.

Whatever wilderness you’re facing today, keep your eyes open for water. Share with me your stories of God’s faithfulness and how He has provided oases during the most difficult times in your life.

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